Friday, August 28, 2009


Arjun actually chose to do his homework over having the breakfast i had made for him.



Gingerbread & Me said...

:) :) :)
One of the good things of comming back from a long hiatus is the preponderance of good reading material!!!
Loved the posts...too lazy to comment on each....

Zak said...

goes to show he ain't no paper tiger even if he prefers paper now! :)

Arch said...

wow...the return of the commentators ;)

mad moggie...good to see you back...laziness is much empathised! paper tiger? he is an ass!!
ps: persepolis was so different from anything i have ever seen before. Very cool!!! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

i just saw the comment on mm blog about eczema did your son had milk allergy. my daughter is 1 year old has eczema since 2 months old. there are no food allery that what the allergy test said. could you please give me some advice based on your experiance.

Arch said...

Hi K...the good thing about eczema is that it really does get better.

From what i learnt... Keep her well fed at all times. They begin to itch and scratch whenever equilibrium is disturbed...when they are hungry, thirsty, need to change diapers etc...also when they are feeling too hot or too cancel out all these reasons before you start mositurizing the kid right away.

i do believe homeopathy does help. Two years seems to be a milestone of sorts and they begin to get better so hang in there.