Thursday, November 20, 2008

Part 3

He was a soldier.

Crossed half the Sahara on foot.

Never forgot to mention how everyone in that group licked their lips anytime someone took a leak.

The bullet burn on his scalp was soon visible as his hair began to thin and a question on that scar would see him proudly launch into the ethics of warfare …

“There are certain rules a side observes and one of these is to never shoot at someone’s back. But the enemy didn’t have any such code of ethics. They actually shot when I wasn’t facing them!

And when the self righteous cries died down, he would whisper with a twinkle in his eye…I wasn’t facing them because I was running for my life!!!



Aarathi Edward said...

Thought this was about the sheep's eye when u started.
do that one also no!

Wanderlust said...

you should give this series a fancy name !:)

Anonymous said...

You knew/know someone who served in the British Indian Army during WW2 then.
North Africa.. Fighting Rommel's troops or the Italians..
I knew somebody who later served in the Indian Army who fought in the 8th division against the German's.

Stories of valour are amazing over a whisky 20 years after a war, but I know I would have gone AWOL pretty quickly...


Roopa said...

I am quite liking your protagonist Arch.

Arch said...

Thanks thath...i had actually forgotten about that one! open to suggestions :)

zak : u r psyching me out with all this info...and hey...this doesnt really qualify for a story of valour, does it? ;) but there is actually one coming up in the next post...

Roopa : u have excellent taste ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, of course it does.. but lets keep it simple, eh?
Look forward to the next one.


ps: Was any of my info right in context of your protagonist?

Roopa said...

Arch, there is a little something for you in my blog. Can you please check it out when you get time :)?

Arch said...

coming from you, am truly honoured roopa....:) thank you !!

Arch said...

what are these links zak? and dont know about the info you gave honestly. what freaked me out was actually the fact that i never bothered to check!!

Anonymous said...

Those links are mood footprints, Arch.. giving a background score to my comments:)
