Friday, November 28, 2008


The soldier settled down to the normal middle class life of a State Government Employee. Had kids and then some more. One day his wife fell ill and needed a blood transfusion. The docs gave her blood of a different group. She died.

The rest of his life he spent making ends meet while bringing up his five kids. I do not know if he was a good father or husband or even if he was a particularly good human being. But what i always will cherish for the rest of my life is that we had the coolest grandfather in the whole world!

I see so much of him in Junjun. The expressions on his face, the unending imagination, the impromptu dances and so much more. And this I have written so that when he grows up, Junjun will know what absolutely amazing stock he comes from!!

Achacha (for some reason we ended up calling him that although he was my mother’s father) passed away in his late eighties and at his funeral, there was much fondness and much laughter as all his children and we his grandchildren recounted the various tales we had heard over the years. Surprisingly, each one of us had heard more or less the same stories.

I suppose because they were all true :)


Ganges said...

That was a fabulous finis!!!

Wanderlust said...

wow... but no fair .. you cant finish the series.. we want more!

Roopa said...

That was really heartwarming Arch. It is a treat to have had such a grandfather. Well, you know that too.

Arch said...

Ganga, Wanderlust : :) :)
Glad you enjoyed it.

Roopa : join the club!