Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Life Savers

I woke up yesterday looking like a relative of will smith as he appears here. Obviously, something i ate did not agree with me. I suspect the reactions of the men in my life are the reason i did not lock myself up in the bathroom the whole day

Junjun : You look like my are my amma only no?

Maddy : Arch, it is SO exciting to wake up with a new woman every day!!!

:) :)


Ganges said...

lol...cho chweet :)

It's only words said...

HAAAAAAARRRR...nothing like a husband and child to cheer you up on a bad day, what say ?

Gingerbread & Me said...

Awww, how sweet...and poor poor you!!!
What brought on that attack? I hope you are okay now....

Anonymous said...

LOL! What a sense of humour :-)
And did the ensuing laughter send your allergy away?

Mad Blogger said...

he he he... hilarious!!!

Wanderlust said...

hehe.. looks like you dont need other entertainment when you have your men around!

Arch said...

ganga : :) :)

devi : wow u r back?! Absolutely true...esp the husband ;)

Rekz : Thank you!! took a couple of days but finally look like me now :)

Pallavi : I am sure it played a major role...along with some medication ;)

mad are new...welcome! :)

wanderlust : :) :) yup :)