Tuesday, September 9, 2008

...coz i'm not superstitious!

I love our resident black cat. He makes it impossible for most people in our colony to heed the most common superstition one has ever heard. Just as a car purrs to life, so does this little one, walking right across its path! People shudder, laugh hesitantly, look at their watches, say a prayer and continue on their way.

Some times, it just isn't convenient to be superstitious.



Roopa said...

A cat crossing a car's path has more chances of turning bad for the cat than the car. Check what i found - a list of good omens.http://www.karmakerala.com/guide/Auspicious_Omens
With about half a dozen animals in our backyard, our life would be pretty much secure :D

Arch said...


wow!! isn't it distressingly astounding how even supremely intelligent people find it in themselves to look completely outside themselves for good to happen!!

actually, i think its just plain distressing.