Monday, July 30, 2007


There are a few very important things i have forgotten to record.

1. One week short of turning two and a half, arjun finally started to pedal. It was such a huge relief! I am sure the cycle is feeling better too.

2. As on the first of July, we said a final goodbye to the automan coz acha bought ammamma's car for arjun. Ammamma now drives around in a sporty new santro. I am now arjun's official chauffer.

3. Arjun got his first pets - 6 goldfish (care of ammamma and thatha) As of now, 4 remain.


Anonymous said...

pedalling is a cyclical process

Arch said...

It must be difficult to be anonymous when one is this funny!

Anonymous said...

2: Hand-me-downs can be Hand-me-ups can be Hand-me-downs..

Anonymous said...

3: Gold is life OR Life is gold, eh..

And I'm posting as anony-mousse because I have a bad hair gel day

Anonymous said...

i post as anonymous cuz I dont have a blogger account:) Must get myself one to avoid being confused with anonymousse etc..

- anonymous 7.41 AM

Arch said...

u dont need a blogger account. u cud click on 'other' and just write your name :)