Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A gentleman by force!

I am sure anybody watching maddy and me get into our car will think chivalry is alive and kicking.

He first comes over to my side of the car, opens the door for me, closes it after i get in and only then does he go to the driver's side and get in himself.

I bet the last thing they would think of is that the lock on the driver's side of the door is jammed and therefore the car can only be opened from the passenger's side!!

Am enjoying it while it lasts! ;p


kirti said...

Great !let the confusion prevail .
In my car , the passenger seat's lock got jammed once , so darling husband lost one good chance to demonstrate the world what a "gentleman" he is .

Hi! I am kirti and came from Shail's nest here. Even I have stories about my kids but those days blogging was not heard much I wrote them in a diary.
PS- I loved yr blog very much.

Arch said...

Thank you Kirti!! I loved your take on life too :)

Zak said...

What can I say.. my better other, she does the driving.

Arch said...

zak...and here i was selecting a tombstone for you!! ;p

Zak said...

What can I say...The only way to appreciate your choice in tombstones was to stay alive :)

Arch said...

ha ha... :)) stay off the morbid footprints