I hope everybody has that one person in their life who has always been there for them.
Who has known you from before you were born.
Who has been a part of your growing up years, always making you feel so very special and loved unconditionally.
Who opened doors to new worlds.
Who saw in you things you would never have dreamed were possible.
Who actually put his money where his mouth is.
Who never judged. Who was always there...time and again.
Who was kind, funny, creative, immensely talented.
Who was always on your side.
Whose whole family enveloped you with their love.
Who never missed a birthday
Who chose to live life on his terms
Who did not let cancer stop him from continuing with life...that too with renewed vigour and zest
i hope with all my heart, that he knew how much he meant to me.
I hope, all of you are lucky enough to have had a Mithran Devanesen in your life
Love you Mithran Uncle, will miss you more than you can imagine.
I once went to a Madras Players party, at Bhagyam's house (I think) and it was just amazing to see how much love he attracted, when he walked into a room.
That night I thought that he probably must epitomize his first name for everybody who knew him...even if only briefly.
Didnt know him personally but admired his work. He will definitely be missed.
k :i know exactly what you mean. tx :)
wanderer : yup...chennai actually FEELS different without him!!
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