Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The killer kids!

All the kids in our floor somehow land up in our home.

According to my very wise landlady, it means that lady of the house is a very nice person.

Result, while i feel like lifting each one by the scruff of their necks and throwing them out, i glare and then smile and turn a blind eye to my terribly messy living room.

Maddy thinks we should just get access cards or something for all of them so we are atleast saved the trouble of having to open and close the door every ten minutes!

Why did my landlady have to say that and force me to be this nice person i really am not...at all!!!!!

But junjun is happy. So we may curse but we smile.

And ok...lets face it...they actually are good fun :p


Ganges said...

fully empathize with you! my house is always overrun by the brat crowd as well :)))

Arch said...

ahhhhhh then what my landlady said really must be true!! :) :)